The Corner

Re: Kos

Nick Schulz from TechCentralStation writes:


First of all, I’m dubious about Kos’ traffic numbers.

Second, the Standard piece claims:

“This week, under the headline “They Finally Fear Us,” Kos excerpted a Los Angeles Times story which reported that in spite of some unease with the idea of a Dean chairmanship, prominent Democrats were loath to speak out against the Vermont governor, lest they enrage the increasingly powerful lobby of Internet activists personified and led by Kos. As Kos astutely summarized the situation, the Internet activists are in the process of achieving parity with special interest groups like NARAL, the unions, and the NAACP. What he doesn’t point out is that those groups for the most part maxed out long ago in terms of power and influence. The Kos community is still in its infancy.”

Nonsense. The Internet activists (i.e. folks like Kos) were supposed to deliver big for Dean in Iowa. What happened? The Internet activists failed to get out the vote, killing Dean’s candidacy. Kerry had the Democratic establishment in Iowa helping him out (thank to Gov. Vilsack). Seems the old way beat the new, hands down. Besides, labor unions (except California longshoremen) and activist groups like NARAL are good at adopting new technologies.

The Internet is a powerful tool; subtract the adjective, and you have Kos.

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