The Corner

Re: Kavanagh

A continuation from the conversation yesterday. Quin Hillyer of the Mobile Register e-mails:

The Dems should know that Brett Kavanagh was hardly a rabid anti-Clintonite. Matter of fact, when I did a book review for the Wall Street Journal, a review which helped debunk the idea that Vince Foster’s body was moved, etc…. in other words, one that supported the basic story of where and why the poor man committed suicide (okay, I bashed the Clintons on other matters during my book review, but not on that basic fact of this sad episode, and not on matters I discussed with Mr. Kavanagh), the main person who walked me through the public evidence and the Starr report (with full authorization from his superiors), and thus who cleared up some of the anti-Clinton conspiracy theories (to the benefit of the Clintons), was Brett Kavanagh. The Wash Post’s portrayal of Kavanagh as a part of the “vast right wing conspiracy” is thus just not accurate; I found him a helpful, fact-based, careful attorney. I assume his legal philosophy leans right, because the Bush administration seems to be considering him for a judgeship. But while on the Starr team dealing with me at least, he sure as heck gave no evidence of any ulterior agenda. He seems like a man of deep integrity.

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