The Corner

Re: Justice Thomas On Sodomy

Jonah: Irregardless (as we lawyers say) of the merits of the Supreme Court

ruling on the Texas sodomy law, you may as well cherish the word “sodomy”

while you can. Looks like it won’t be with us much longer. From Monday’s

New York Post: “The terms ’sodomy’ and ‘deviate sexual assault’ will be

stricken from New York’s law books under legislation approved by lawmakers

in the waning hours of the Legislature’s just-completed session. The

substitution of new terms does not affect criminal penalties for those acts,

but advocates said it is important to expunge archaic language that

stigmatizes sexual-assault victims and gay people. The legislation replaces

the term ’sodomy’ with ‘criminal sexual act’ and ‘deviate sexual

intercourse’ with ‘oral sexual conduct’ or ‘anal sexual conduct.’ The

changes were included in a bill negotiated among Gov. Pataki and legislative

leaders that amends a far-ranging sexual-assault law enacted three years

ago. The bill was approved Friday by the state Senate and Assembly during a

flurry of activity that marked the end of the Legislature’s session.”

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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