The Corner

Re: Jonah’s Opera Career

I am sorry you didn’t “get” opera, Jonah, having been given such a wonderful

opportunity so young. Don’t sweat it, though–the NRO readership includes a

huge corps of opera-haters. Every time I mention opera I get 120 e-mails

asking me angrily if I am some kind of pansy. Me! I should add (braving

that storm of e-mails) that you were in what has been called (where? in the

operatic glossary at the end of Fire from the Sun , that’s where) “one of the

happiest of all operas,” and a very pure example of the _bel canto_ style.

L’elisir d’amore was written, words and music both, in two weeks from a

standing start. They didn’t have e-mail to cope with in the 1830s.

Donizetti was a genius, and a great master of his art. (And P.S.: Except

for the first word, and proper names, the words in an Italian title don’t

get an initial capital letter.)

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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