The Corner

Re: Jesse Obama

Marc, it’s great to hear the Obama administration channel Jesse Helms, but I don’t think anyone should be surprised by Ban Ki-moon’s “deadbeat” rhetoric. It is right out of the Obama playbook, and it is no doubt the direct result of Obama’s raising of expectations as a candidate when he proposed a monstrosity known as the “Global Poverty Act.” At least I thought it was a monstrosity by the standards that existed when I wrote about it in September — as I reread it now, six months and trillions of Obamadollars later, the beast almost seems tame:

The Candidate of Hope is hoping that while he caterwauls about our lost billions [in Iraq], you won’t notice that he has already proposed the most jaw-dropping transfer of wealth in American history: taking nearly a trillion dollars out of the pockets of American taxpayers and doling it out to the world’s worst regimes through its most corrupt intermediary, the U.N.

The scam is better known as Obama’s Global Poverty Act. Sen. Joe Biden, his trusty running-mate, recently tried to slam it through the Senate Foreign Relations Committee — the better to address the rarely discussed fact that Obama, having achieved nothing noteworthy as an Illinois state senator, is similarly without accomplishment after three years in the Senate.

The GPA is a monstrosity. Thanks to Obama’s praetorian guards in the mainstream media, it is a better kept secret than most covert intelligence programs. But Accuracy in Media’s Cliff Kincaid has been digging (see here). If the GPA became law, the United States would be required to fork up for foreign aid 0.7 percent of its gross national product through 2015. That is, Obama would skyrocket U.S. largesse from its current annual level of about $21 billion (the world’s most generous) to — you’ll want to be sitting down for this — $85 billion per year.

This week’s new and improved “let’s take care of Americans first” Obama is a fraud. The real Obama is post-sovereign, transnational progressivism personified. His 0.7 percent figure comes straight out of a 1970 U.N. General Assembly resolution, and the 2015 deadline was dreamed up by a gaggle of international community organizers at the U.N.’s “Millennium Summit” in 2000.

Are you worried about the $85 billion AIG bailout?  [ACM — and hasn’t that been a charm!] Well just imagine doing it once a year for about a decade … except with no return on your investment and with the U.N. (the people who gave us “Oil for Food”) doing what passes for the oversight — i.e., presiding over the transfer of American dollars to the very freedom-hating despots who have kept the third world poor in the first place.

The price tag by 2015 for Obama’s international trough is estimated at about $845 billion. And that, you can be sure, is just the start. Harvard’s Jeffrey Sachs, who advises the U.N., anticipates that the funds needed “to put real resources in support of our hopes” would be raised by “a global tax on carbon-emitting fossil fuels.” With a Democrat Congress at his back, a President Obama would surely repeal the Bush tax cuts for Americans, but does anyone see him repealing the global tax on Americans? Dream on….

Back before he perceived the expedience of costuming himself as sentry of the American pocketbook, a more forthright Obama justified his GPA proposal this way: 

[T]his important bill will demonstrate our promise and commitment to those in the developing world. Our commitment to the global economy must extend beyond trade agreements that are more about increasing corporate profits than about helping workers and small farmers everywhere.

That’s the real Obama, the guy who decries corporate profits for Americans and thinks we elect a president to help the workers and small farmers of the globe.

Does he not know that the country he wants to lead is an investor society which thrives on corporate profits? [ACM — Is?] That corporate profits allow Americans, both privately and through their government, to provide more foreign aid than any other people in the world?

Of course he knows it. Obama and his wife have made plenty of money in America. He’s not ignorant. He’s fraudulent.

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