The Corner

Re: Gale Force Exaggeration

I won’t be around much in the middle of the day. But here are two representative emails from readers in response to today’s column. I think second makes a very good point about how Katrina in fact differs from a terrorist attack:


You are still under some misimpressions about the Federal Response. I work in the Pentagon and had the opportunity to see a National Geo-Spatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) brief on their support to the relief efforts. NGA stood up their support teams before the Katrina struck the coast. They provided imagery support before, during and after the hurricane. Most of the search rescue operations were aided by NGA products which enabled rescue workers to make the most of their assets and time. Federal resources were effectively mobilized in support of post Katrina operations and began arriving in force on the third day. The only way that Federal support could have been accelerated was for Governor Blanco to request it before the hurricane actually struck. She did not do this. The law does not permit the Federal Government to just jump over State and Local authorities just because they want to. I find in amusing that the left is clamoring for changes in the Posse Comitatis Act that would give the President dictatorial powers in natural disasters while at the same time condemning the far less onerous Patriot Act.


Good article. One problem I have with the final analysis is that Bush was in a no-win situation. If he had over-ridden the local authorities because of their ineptitude and we found the situation on the ground to be as it was (i.e. not as bad as reported) he would have been pilloried for “imperial actions” that prove he is trying to take all rights away from the American people via US Military action and abuse of martial law.

Also, this was a forecasted natural disaster and he did exactly what he was criticized for last year in Florida by declaring a national emergency before the storm even hit the coast, which is the only authority he had.

If this had been a terrorist attack I firmly believe he would have immediately responded with military action up to and including martial law, if necessary. It was not FEMA or the Fed’s responsibility to prepare the area before it was hit, local and state government completely abdicated their responsibilities.

I would hesitate to predict a poor response to an unannounced terrorist attack based on a hesitation to over step the authority and responsibility of local government.

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