The Corner

Re: Frum-Pa-Pa-Pum

Ramesh, I’d argue interpreting what the President said on what proponents call gay marriage last night was, for current political (if not intellectual) purposes, very clear. It was the usual don’t-alienate-any-constituency tap dance. Vagueness — keeping himself viable within the current political system — was the goal, not clarity. Everything he said reran some previous tape loop. It was one of the least newsworthy passages of the interview — like asking about Hillary.

As for waiting to see what formal administration policy is, remember that last year, the White House issued a formal statement on the D.C. appropriations bill which objected to DC desires for needle-exchange programs to avoid AIDS, but said absolutely nothing about the DC wishes for domestic-partnership arrangements. Stay quiet, stay vague.

As for amending the constitution, there’s no reason for “defeatism.” I would say that judging from the rapid succession of DOMA amendments in mid-1990s suggests that this is one amendment –regardless of which way it’s written — that will have a lot of public support in many states. I worry that conservatives in the NY-DC axis forget that the gay-left agenda is dramatically unpopular out there, seen as proof positive of flaky leftist extremism a la Dean.

Tim GrahamTim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center, where he began in 1989, and has served there with the exception of 2001 and 2002, when served ...
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