The Corner

Film & TV

Re: Dominic Pino’s ‘Admission’

I’m glad Dominic enjoyed my piece in the new print issue, which he correctly describes as “Zach, a New Jersey man, wandering around New Jersey doing New Jersey things.” And he is right that when I say Pizza Land — featured in The Sopranos‘ opening credits — is one of the better pizza places I’ve tried, I’m not saying that lightly.

But it is the following that grabbed my attention: “I could only get so much out of the piece because, I must admit, I have never seen an episode of The Sopranos. Is it good? Should I watch it?”

Yes, Dominic. It is good, and you should watch it.

Zach Kessel is a William F. Buckley Jr. Fellow in Political Journalism and a recent graduate of Northwestern University.
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