The Corner

Re: Cost on NY-23

An e-mail: 

Dear K-Lo

I read Jay Cost’s post on the meaning of NY-23.  He is right from an ecumenical standpoint, in that Hoffman’s win in a weird off-year special election doesn’t necessarily mean that Democrats are going to get their clocks cleaned come November 2010.  But he is also dead wrong on the meaning as it pertains to conservatism, because a Hoffman win says two things:

1) An unabashed conservative articulating a message of limited government, fiscal restraint and pro-life values can win, even in a district that went +5 to Obama.

2) The conservatives that make up the base of the Republican party in general are in no mood to put up with a RINO being foisted on them, and are perfectly capable of putting principle over party loyalty when need be (and thank goodness).

That’s hardly “Nothing, Nothing, Nothing.”

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