The Corner

Re: Blair and Race

Two quick points on the continuing Blair story (I really thought that this would have been over by now). 1) The New York Observer interview really shows what a pathological narcissistic personality Blair is. It’s frankly disturbing that this guy got as far as he did. 2) One place I slightly disagree with Jonah: I’m not sure that the hiring of Blair without a college degree is a sign of affirmative action. It’s somewhat unclear whether the Times people knew that he hadn’t graduated when they hired him full-time. Recall that he had worked as an intern the year before and then came back. It’s not unusual that a former intern at a company would have a leg up on being hired. While not exactly smart, it’s entirely possible that the Times folks saw this former intern, assumed that a year later he had graduated and they put him on full time. It’s certainly fair to slap them for sloppy background-checking, but this is one area where the screw-up could be unconnected to racial preference.

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