The Corner

Re; Adelman

Byron – What I really want to know is, Does he think Obama’s victory will be a cakewalk?

Update: From a reader:

So Adelman wouldn’t hire Palin as a mid-level arms control analyst. Would he hire Obama for such a post? Would a community organizing lawyer make a better arms-control analyst than a governor?

Oh, but Obama is one of us. Not a conservative…I mean smart. Smart is the new conservative. Just ask Andrew Sullivan.

All these Obamacons remind me of what Elaine hoped about her boyfriend:

Elaine Benes: Well, I’m sure he’s pro-choice.

Jerry Seinfeld: How do you know?

Elaine Benes: Because he… Well… He’s just so good-looking

Update II: I got this email:

so now you’re using a disgusting racial stereotype as a cheap gag.

stay classy, dude.

I responded, What are you talking about? The reader sent me a link to Wikipedia entry on Cakewalks. I had no idea there’s anything racial to the term cakewalk. Did it ever come up when Adelman originally used the word? If it did, I don’t remember seeing anything about it.

Meanwhile, the only thing I knew about cakewalks was a little game we played at my daughter’s school, sort of like musical chairs. The kids walked in a circle to music. When the music stopped, if the kid was standing on a special spot or something, they got to pick out a cake. Didn’t seem racial.

Anyway, I guess I apologize for not knowing there was anything racially loaded to the word (we in the Corner are supposed to be all-knowing), but I really don’t apologize for anything else. I certainly didn’t mean to give offense and, frankly, I think assuming I meant it as a racist thing is grotesquely unfair, silly and a sign of where some Obama supporters’ heads are at.

Update IV: How dare Barack Obama use the term “cakewalk“!

Update V: Folks, I didn’t apologize! But I guess I apologize for seeming too sincerely apologetic.

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