The Corner

A Rat, A Sinking Ship, and Two Princes

Via Canada’s National Post:

If Andrew Weaver is heading for the exits, it’s a pretty sure sign that the United Nations agency is under monumental stress. Mr. Weaver, after all, has been a major IPCC science insider for years. He is Canada Research Chair in Climate Modelling and Analysis at the University of Victoria, mastermind of one of the most sophisticated climate modelling systems on the planet, and lead author on two recent landmark IPCC reports.

For him to say, as he told Canwest News yesterday, that there has been some “dangerous crossing” of the line between climate advocacy and science at the IPCC is stunning in itself.

In contrast, loopy Prince Charles, the best argument for an English Republic since Oliver Cromwell, is rallying behind the scientists of Climategate (“a little blip” apparently). His father, however, as reported by a swooning Daily Mail (h/t Alex Massie) prefers to take a more practical approach to protecting the environent:

Prince Philip has been spotted doing his bit for the environment — by clearing up litter at Sandringham.

The Duke of Edinburgh prince surprised onlookers by bending down to pick up a discarded coffee cup and its plastic lid after church on the Royal estate in Norfolk.

The 88-year-old prince did his good deed while walking back to Sandringham House after the traditional morning service at St Mary Magdalene Church on Sunday.

Some spectators gasped when they saw him suddenly lurch forward and feared that he was about to take a fall.

But it soon became clear the still-sprightly royal was determined to do his bit to Keep Britain Tidy by picking up the cup.Eagle-eyed Philip, wearing his favourite long brown coat, then bent down a second time to pick up the plastic lid that was lying on the grass nearby.

He was seen carrying the litter away, although it is not known if he handed the cup and lid to an aide or put them in a bin himself.


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