The Corner

Politics & Policy

Random Thoughts on the Current (Passing) Scene*

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks during a presidential debate with former president Donald Trump in Philadelphia, Pa., September 10, 2024. (Brian Snyder/Reuters)
  • Over the last half century no presidential candidate not named Barack Obama has been as shielded from critical media scrutiny as has Kamala Harris.
  • A bout between Sugar Ray Robinson and Sugar Ray Leonard in their respective primes would rank among the top three fights in boxing history.
  • If Kamala Harris’s plan to place a 25 percent tax on unrealized capital gains, as reported, isn’t the most nakedly populist campaign proposal made in the last two decades, it certainly ranks among the top five.
  • All of the racism I’ve experienced in my life (which hasn’t been much) has come from those leaning left.
  • An alarming and growing percentage of young American males is too unfit for traditional manual-labor jobs, let alone for positions in the military, police forces, or fire departments.
  • The more I watch the current NFL, the greater my appreciation for Jim Brown, Dick Butkus, and Vince Lombardi.
  • “Nondiscrimination” is far more important than “celebrating diversity.”
  • Churchill was right: “Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result.” But a couple of things come close.
  • More than any other players in NFL history, Gale Sayers and Barry Sanders made defensive players dread post-game film reviews.
  • There are few responses to concerns over the illegal-immigration crisis more vapid than “After all, we’re a nation of immigrants.”
  • It is humanly impossible to listen to James Brown without moving.
  •  If, as reported, the U.S. envoy to the United Nations and her deputy  failed on Friday to attend the address to the General Assembly by the prime minister of our ally Israel, such failure was, to put it gently, a disgrace.
  • Hardly anything in life beats a day at the beach — except a day at the beach with your grandkids.
  • A Media Research Center analysis of news reports since the second assassination attempt on Trump shows that Trump received 93 percent negative coverage, whereas Harris received 100 percent positive coverage.
  • The consistent refusal to seriously address the $35.4 trillion national debt is akin to standing on a railroad track with your eyes closed and hands covering your ears, repeating, “So far, so good.”
  • Of all the speedsters who’ve played in the NFL, Mercury Morris in his prime was the most fun to watch.
  • There are few things more gratifying to a 70-year-old than quietly deadlifting 425 lb. for reps at the same time a 25-year-old is strutting about the gym, lats flared, because he just lifted 375 once.

* A tip of the hat to Thomas Sowell, 94, America’s greatest living intellect. Anyone who purports to replicate anything he does reveals himself a fool.

Peter Kirsanow is an attorney and a member of the United States Commission on Civil Rights.
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