The Corner

Radio Free Connecticut: Andy McCarthy, Jim Vicevich, and Me

Thanks to Jim Vicevich, the terrific host of “Sound Off Connecticut” on WTIC in Hartford, I was privileged to sit in as co-host again today. Our first guest was none other than NR’s own Andrew McCarthy, who came on to talk about the Obama administration’s volte-face on the Clinton-era Defense of Marriage Act and its contortions over Libya.

You can hear Andy getting grilled by Jim and yours truly here.

Going forward, I’ll be joining Jim on a regular basis each Thursday, so please tune in or stream us on the Internet, hop on Jim’s blog, and join us in the chat room. I promise I’ll try to keep David Kahane off the air as much as possible, but it’s tough to keep a bad man down.

Michael Walsh — Mr. Walsh is the author of the novels Hostile Intent and Early Warning and, writing as frequent NRO contributor David Kahane, Rules for Radical Conservatives.
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