The Corner

Politics & Policy

Quinnipiac Has Biden at 33 Percent Approval

President Joe Biden delivers remarks in the Statuary Hall of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., January 6, 2022. (Greg Nash/Pool via Reuters)

It’s an outlier, yes, but goodness me is today’s Quinnipiac poll a disaster for Joe Biden. His approval rating among adults is 33 percent. Among independents that’s 24 percent. Among Hispanics, it’s 28 percent. In November, 87 percent of Democrats approved of Biden. Today, it’s 75.

There are no bright spots on the issues. On the economy, his approve-disapprove is 34-57; on foreign policy, it’s 35-54; on COVID, it’s 39-55. There is no bright spot for Biden on what he considers his sweet spot: “a plurality, 49 percent, say Biden is doing more to divide the country while 42 percent say he’s doing more to unite the country.” And nor do Americans think things are improving. 54 percent say that the economy is getting “worse”; 30 percent say it’s “staying about the same”; and 15 percent say it’s “getting better.”

Interestingly enough, while the poll is an outlier, it’s not immediately obvious that it is biased against the Democrats. Americans, it reports, “are split on which party they would want to see win control of the United States House of Representatives as 43 percent say the Republican Party, 42 percent say the Democratic Party, and 16 percent did not offer an opinion.” This is much better for the Democrats than Quinnipiac’s poll back in November, which had the GOP up 46-38 in the general ballot. The poll also has voters giving Democrats in Congress better marks than their Republican counterparts.

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