The Corner

NR Webathon

We’re Almost There — Please, Help Us Meet Our $60,000 Goal

National Review Editor in Chief Rich Lowry speaks on Real Time with Bill Maher, September 6, 2024. (Real Time with Bill Maher/YouTube)

“Falsehood flies,” Jonathan Swift once wrote, “and the Truth comes limping after it.”

If there’s ever been a better example of this axiom than the attempt to cancel my friend and colleague Rich Lowry, I have yet to see it.

Two weeks ago, Rich was talking politics on The Megyn Kelly Show when he stumbled over the word “migrants.” Within hours, the usual suspects online were accusing Rich of having uttered a vile racial epithet, which was, of course, patently absurd in addition to being completely slanderous. Rich never said anything of the sort, nor would he ever — because such a thing would be completely out character for the man that I have worked with and witnessed, in public and private, for a decade.

It would be one thing if the attacks were limited to Twitter trolls and professional hacks, but unfortunately the incident’s radioactive fallout has spread to the real world. Indiana State and the Badger Institute, Wisconsin’s free-market think tank, have dishonorably disinvited Rich from the talks that he was scheduled to give in the next few weeks.

This is cowardice, plain and simple. This is knuckling under to a rabid mob. This is a pathetic display of institutionalized spinelessness that will only invite the anti-speech hordes to make their next demand.

The good news is that National Review isn’t going to allow Rich Lowry to be canceled over a ridiculous accusation or over something that he didn’t do or say.

The good news is that the decent people of this country are strapping a jet pack to the Truth so that it can catch up with the speedy lies and falsehoods leveled against Rich.

The good news is that, with your help, we’re putting Rich on the road to speak around the country on a “Cancellation Tour.”

Cowardice is contagious. Retreat begets retreat. Cravenness invites further embarrassment and decline.

With your help, we’re not going to let that happen.

If you can offer $10, or $100, or $1,000 toward the goal of defending Rich’s good name and putting him on the road to face down the people who are trying to shut him up and drive him out, please do. Our goal is $60,000 to send Rich coast to coast. We’re getting close — but we’re not quite there. 

NR stands for the Truth. NR stands against falsehoods. NR stands for free speech.

Help us put the Truth back on offense.

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