The Corner

P.S. Re: Gibson’s Arrest

Needless to say , just about everything about his DUI run-in sounds awful. That said, the inevitable rush to celebration from some is unfortunate.

That movie is what it was — we all know which movie I mean — and that wasn’t a drunken anti-Semitic tirade. As I recall, in fact, it centered around the fact that we’re sinners and have got some damned ugly issues.

P.S. And yes, by the way: Even if the arrest report that’s floating around the ‘net holds up (including a comment to a female officer), it won’t change anything about what I said about the “new feminism” that was clear and welcome in The Passion . (I thought I’d go ahead and be the first who linked to “Mel Gibson, Feminist.” Sorry if I kept anyone out there from the additional glee of being first there.)

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