The Corner

A Proud Dad’s Independence Day Plans

Another e-mail:

Hi K-Lo,

I’m former military (Army 10 years) and our son is current military (Army currently serving in Afghanistan) and this Independence Day weekend we’re going to thoroughly enjoy ourselves with fireworks, cook outs on the grill, and working in the garden because all those things are representative to us of the blessings being a U.S. Citizen provides.  On Sunday, we going to say a special thanks for the very existence of a special place like America and then raise a glass (and I may even enjoy a fine cigar) to our son and pray that he comes home safely.

It is because of our all-volunteer military and the freedoms they ensure that we can do what we do.  I felt that way when I was serving, and we are blessed that we have a son who feels the same way and has chosen to serve, especially in a time of war.  He has been in only 2 years next month, so he raised his hand with the full knowledge of the potential risks and yet he chose to do it anyway.  Our pride knows no bounds!

God Bless the U.S.A!


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