The Corner

Protests Flood The Zone At The Washpost

Tuesday’s Washington Post is literally awash in “pro-immigration” protest coverage today. The front page is topped with the headline “We Decided Not to Be Invisible Anymore.” (Who is “we”? That must mean illegals, si?) The subheadline was “Pro-Immigration Rallies Are Held Across the Country.” And so supporters of tougher enforcement of a legal immigration process are “anti-immigration”? That’s a wee bit imprecise.

The top picture is centered around a sign that says “We Are All Americans!” and is wall-to-wall American flags. You only see a green corner or two of Mexican banners. Not a single “Amnistia!” sign to be seen there. Under the picture, another story, headlined “Marchers Flood Mall With Passion, Pride: Many Take Their First Political Step.” (The front page advertises two more stories inside.)

That’s only one of three section front-pages touting “Immigrant Rights Rallies.” The front page of Metro, the B section, has more protesters in photos, two pictures with only American flags. The headline is “Shared Bond Stretched to the Limit: As Garage’s Crew Marches, Bosses Worry About Profits.” Beneath the fold on Metro’s front page, another story, headlined “Sons and Daughters Connect With Message of the March.” (Again, the front page advertises two more stories inside.

The front page of Style, the C section, is headlined “A Banner Day on the Mall: For Most Marchers, Stars and Stripes Speak Loudest About Loyalties.” More large pictures of marchers with only American flags. Under the picture, an essay headlined “Out of Many, One: The Far-Reaching Touch of the Crowd.”

Are you getting the impression this newspaper is more publicity pamphlet than newspaper this morning?

Tim GrahamTim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center, where he began in 1989, and has served there with the exception of 2001 and 2002, when served ...
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