The Corner

(Presumably) Fake Dnc Email

I got an email which looks real (DNC graphics etc) but obviously a joke. I’m sure some of you will get it. It’s kinda funny:

Dear [Supporter] ,

Tonight, don’t let George Bush’s henchmen steal another victory. We need your help immediately.

We need you support to show that you are voting for Kerry.

Immediately after the debate, we need you to do three things: go to the grocery store; buy fake tannning lotion; apply it all over your face prior going to work on Friday.

The color ORANGE at work will let everyone know you support Kerry and that he won the debate.

Thank you,

Terry McAuliffe


PS: Make sure to forward this email to at least 10 other people who will be watching the debate. Also, give printed out copies to your friends, family members, coworkers and neighbors and get them involved.

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