The Corner

Preferred Client Class

Evidence from Europe that there, as here, illegal immigrants are the new “preferred client” class of the West’s political elites.  While our own Senate debates giving tax waivers, discounts on college tuition, dismissal of court proceedings, free legal services, etc. to illegal immigrants,  Italy has upgraded the facilities for housing North African illegal immigrants, to a point where, say the locals, the illegals live better than they do. 

“Pockmarked with concrete eyesores and illegal buildings, the island [of Lampedusa] lacks its own drinking water, has a malfunctioning desalinization plant, poor transport links with the mainland and only basic medical facilities.”

The detention camp for illegals fitted right in to this landscape.  Now, under pressure from international busybodies like UNHCR, the Italians have given the camp a makeover.

“Two years ago the island, a major transit point for thousands of boat people seeking a better life in Europe, drew scathing criticism for the squalor and abuse of its overcrowded camp.  That has now been revamped and will soon be replaced by a more spacious, air-conditioned site as Italy pledges a more humane approach in its fight against illegal immigration.  But the plan has not gone down well with Lampedusa’s residents, who echo complaints heard elsewhere in Europe that their political leaders are doing more for illegal immigrants than for their own citizens.”

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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