The Corner

NR Webathon

Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition

Judge Amy Coney Barrett attends a meeting with Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) on Capitol Hill, October 1, 2020. (Erin Scott/Pool/via Reuters)

We have commenced a brief webathon — six days remain — to do what we must periodically do to keep NR in the thick of the fight; namely, seek your financial support. Was there ever a time such as now — when yet another exceptional SCOTUS nominee is put through the leftist Democrats’ grinder of shocking abuse, mischief, and outright lies, all of it aided by a complacent media — when the DefCon One spirit and vigor of righteous conservative anger, the impactful reporting and forceful counterattacks of NR’s talented writers and reporters, was needed more?

This is why we exist. This is the sort of “history” that Bill Buckley tasked NR to stand athwart. This is our mutual concern, our mutual cause, our mutual obligation. Hence our request: Please donate. We fight the kind of fight that must be fought when our committed friends keep passing the ammo.

Good people have already chosen to do just that, and with their generosity — some ample by any standard, some with the inspiration of the Widow’s Mite — have spoken as to why they give. Here’s a sampling:

Sergio, ah, good man, who finds $30 to send our way and says what is on a lot of minds: “I don’t have money coming out my ears, but I can afford to swing a little of what I DO have y’all’s way. Half the country seems to be going commie on us again. Thought that was in the rearview, but here we are. Imperative to get information from somewhere besides all the creeping versions of pravda on offer, so thank you for all the important (understatement of the year) work you do and keep on keepin’ on!” We all thank you, Sergio!

Jake tenders a Fifty, and this: “I am so proud of the work that NR continues to do. You’re a voice of reasonable-but-firm conservatism in a point in our history where disinformation is everywhere, and ideological and tribal battle lines are seemingly drawn every few feet.” Thanks so much, Jake.

John makes the same gift, and speaks on behalf of many: “Your writers are some of the finest in the land! This is for Kevin, David H., Kyle, Rich, VDH, Jim G., CCWC & Alexandra. Thank you all!” Let me speak for them — John, thank you.

Cathleen makes good with a $25 gift, and slaps our back: “So grateful for your insights, intellectual honesty, and courage. Special kudos to David Harsanyi, Andy McCarthy, Charlie Cooke, Rich Lowry, and Kevin Williamson. Wish it was a thousand times more!” Well Cathleen, we will settle for a thousand more doing just what you have done. God bless.

Matthew finds $5 and drops it in the plate: “My only regret is that I could not give more to this noble cause, as I am a poor college student. The work that National Review has done on this topic is incalculably valuable to the cause of Constitutional Originalism. Keep up the amazing work, Ladies and Gents.” Dude, if I may: This is most generous and motivating. We’re deeply appreciative.

If you find NR to be a cause, and a righteous cause at that, and especially a cause meant for this moment in America’s history, well, you’d be right to think so. But we ask for more than kind sentiments — we need you to join this cause in a meaningful way. Your donation is instrumental to NR’s short- and long-term efforts — if you can help, do so here. If you can contribute $10, $100, $1,000, do so knowing each and every buck matters, that each and every donor matters, and that all are beloved for their selfless desire to be with us in this truly critical battle for our country and civilization. Help us reach our goal (we hope to raise $150,000 by next week). Help us help counter the leftist onslaught against the exceptional Amy Coney Barrett. Donate here. If you prefer to send your support by mail, make your check payable to “National Review” and send it to: to National Review, ATTN: ACB Webathon, 19 West 44th Street, Suite 1701, New York, N.Y., 10036. Thank you and God help us all, especially ACB.

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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