The Corner

From Pothole to Potshot

I mentioned the shooting of the Mayor of Nagasaki the other day.  Here is more, from blogger Takuan Seiyo .

Incidentally, on the same day when our media were all over the Virginia Tech killings, the Mayor of Nagasaki in Japan was gunned down by a gangster. The gangster was upset over damage to his car by a pothole he drove into next to a construction site in the city of Nagasaki. In a country where the population has been totally disarmed and is fed regular anti-gun propaganda, only the 85,000 members of the official crime gangs have access to guns, not counting the 5-shot antique revolvers used by the Japanese police. So much for gun prohibition as a panacea that will rid us of evil.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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