The Corner

Pond Life

The antics of the British Left are always good for a smile.

A key component of the Left in Britain has always been the labor unions

(called “trade unions”) over there. As in the US, the unions have

preserved, even strengthened their positions as bastions of leftist power

since the labor movement was taken over by representatives of government

employees — became, that is, a vehicle for promoting an ever-expanding

public sector.

Anyway, there are ructions in the Stop the War movement over there. The

movement naturally draws its strength from lefty agitators, many of whom

came up through the unions, or are affiliated with them. The unions,

however, are in a bind with Iraq. Their doctrine of international

brotherhood dictates that they support Iraqi labor unions, who are organized

under the Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions (IFTU). The IFTU, however, wants

Coalition troops to stay in Iraq at least until after the January elections.

Britain’s Stop the War folk, however, demand IMMEDIATE withdrawal of

coalition forces.

The TUC [i.e. Britain’s Trade Union Congress] is trying to raise cash for

the federation [i.e. the above-mentioned IFTU], and seems to be increasingly

supportive of its view that the troops are needed to prevent Iraq breaking

up or an Islamic fundamentalist state being formed.

Stop the War’s controlling faction dismisses that as a Blairite line

tantamount to approving the occupation.”

Street fighting should break out any time now. Hey, it’s more fun than

watching the Yankees choke.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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