The Corner

Poll: Romney, Palin Lead GOP Field

A new CNN/Opinion Research survey shows Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin leading the pack of possible GOP presidential contenders. Romney, for the moment, is the frontrunner, with the support of 21 percent of respondents. Palin, however, comes in a close second at 18 percent — three points back but within the poll’s margin for error.

Newt Gingrich, the former House speaker, takes the bronze with 15 percent. Mike Huckabee, at 14 percent, is not far behind. Rep. Ron Paul takes ten percent. A trio of hopefuls — Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, and Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana — follow with three percent apiece. Rick Santorum rounds out the list at 2 percent.

Interestingly, “more than half of all Republicans we questioned consider themselves Tea Party supporters or active members of the Tea Party movement,” says CNN polling director Keating Holland. “Romney tops the list among Tea Party Republicans; Gingrich is next on that list and Palin is in third.”

Robert Costa was formerly the Washington editor for National Review.
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