The Corner

Politico Editor: Washington Will Punt Until After 2014 Elections

Jim VandeHei, executive editor of Politico, expects the White House and lawmakers’ solution to the current shutdown and debt-ceiling negotiations to be “a bad one, a short-term one” that will kick the can down the road for at least another year. Part of the deal would involve Republicans’ agreeing to something that John Boehner had said his caucus wouldn’t agree to earlier in the morning.

“There’s no way out of this box at this point other than Republicans are going to be forced to increase the debt limit,” VandeHei said on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday, which he noted sources say Boehner has privately signaled he would do. On ABC’s This Week earlier in the morning, Boehner had stated that House Republicans were “not going down that path” and that there were not enough votes in the House to pass a “clean” debt-limit increase.

VandeHei predicted that because of the significant differences between both sides of various issues, lawmakers and the administration would punt dealing with major changes until a later date. “We’re going to keep relitigating this exact same debate I think, sadly, until after the 2014 elections,”​ he said.

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