The Corner

Hannan at Large

I offer you a real treat: Daniel Hannan speaking on a range of subjects, over about 45 minutes. Hannan, as you know, is the British writer and politician (member of the European Parliament). We talk about matters British; matters American; and matters further afield.

The British matters include: Brexit, the color of passports, and the Bolshevikation of the Labour party. The American matters include: well, him and her. (And ask not what I mean by “him and her.”) (H/t, Cindy Adams.)

The other matters? The Olympics in Rio, for one thing. (Hannan grew up in nearby Peru.) For another, Hannan’s epic tussle with Christiane Amanpour on television. Did you see it? It’s here. Exciting television, in my opinion.

So, I offer you this Q&A with Hannan. There is almost nothing you can’t ask him. And he answers with logic, moral awareness, and eloquence.

As I said, a treat.

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