The Corner

Please, General Suleimani, Screw Up Their Targeting For Us…

This is a classic. We won’t fight for the freedom of the American hostages in Iran. We won’t even raise the issue with the mullahs. But…according to General Odierno (no doubt with talking points from Condi Rice),

The U.S. military has noted a “significant improvement” in the aim of attackers firing rockets and mortars into the heavily fortified Green Zone in the past three months that it has linked to training in Iran…

And this is one of those nasty little problems we do raise in our negotiations: “One of the reasons why we’re sitting down with the Iranian government … is trying to solve some of these problems,”

Can’t you just imagine the conversation? “Uh, Ali, your terrorists are shooting better and we don’t like that. Could you, like, play with the sights a little bit so that the rockets land downtown instead of in the Green Zone? I mean, there’s plenty of hotels to hit, ya know?”

Great war we’re waging.

(h/t to the barristers at PowerLine)

Michael LedeenMichael Ledeen is an American historian, philosopher, foreign-policy analyst, and writer. He is a former consultant to the National Security Council, the Department of State, and the Department of Defense. ...
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