The Corner


Two things.

1) At the end of his column today, Robert Novak says Valerie Plame’s undercover overseas operation ended in 1997 when she was brought home because of fears she had been exposed by CIA turncoat Aldrich Ames. If that’s so, then the whole business is incredibly weird because according to the law, she can’t be deemed an undercover agent because she wasn’t out of the country as a “non-official cover” agent in the five years prior to her exposure as an agent.

2) Once again there’s something weird going on when we learn Novak found Valerie Plame’s name in Wilson’s “Who’s Who in America” entry. We’ve known Wilson used her name in his online bio. Simple logic requires one to ask why he would expose her in this fashion by going public with his own authored op-ed if it might endanger her life.

John Podhoretz, a New York Post columnist for 25 years, is the editor of Commentary.
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