The Corner

Picking a Fight

My all-man French horn playing reader really wants to start something with this list:

Why is a violinist like a SCUD missile?

Both are offensive and inaccurate.

How do you get two piccolos to play in unison?

Shoot one.

What’s the difference between trumpet players and government bonds?

Government bonds eventually mature and earn money.

How can you make a french horn sound like a trombone?

Take your hand out of the bell and miss all of the notes!

These two tuba players walk past a bar…

Well, it could happen!

What do you call someone who hangs out with musicians?

A drummer.

Why is it good that drummers have a half-ounce more brains than horses?

So they don’t disgrace themselves in parades.

What’s the definition of a male quartet?

Three men and a tenor.

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