The Corner

Petraeus Heckled by CUNY Students

City University of New York students chased and yelled at former CIA director David Petraeus on his way to his first class at the university. The students hounded the retired four-star general for his role in the Iraq War as well as the scandal in his personal life.

Among the hecklers’ shouting, Petraeus was called “war criminal,” “fascist,” and “disgusting pig.”

One of the videos of the incident was uploaded by the Revolutionary Student Coordinating Committee, which on its website calls on students to protest “mass murderer” Petraeus’s hiring. The group has started a Campaign Against Militarization​ of CUNY in an effort to oust the general.

The students chanted “Every Class, David” as part of their shouting, suggesting that they would repeat the practice before every one of Petraeus’s classes.

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