The Corner

“Peace” and Basketball

I was listening to taxpayer-supported radical-left radio Pacifica last night, and “Democracy Now” was replaying their favorite speeches from the anti-liberation rally on Saturday. One man went on an extended rant about how he’s like to take George Bush and “that little bow-tied Tucker Carlson” on a bus trip to “the hood” and leave them there. “I’d show them how the other side of the tracks carries the weight of the world on our shoulders and how society seems to be holding us down with the force of a boulder.” Imagine my surprise to learn the speaker was pro basketball player Etan Thomas, Washington Wizards power forward and “poetry slam” promoter. First question: who does he mean when he talks about “society…holding us down with a boulder”? He re-signed with the Wizards last year for six years, $36 million.

PS: Etan might not want to expect the cops to protect his bling after his paragraph about police brutality, especially the sentence about “pigs who love making their guns click like wine glasses.”

Tim GrahamTim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center, where he began in 1989, and has served there with the exception of 2001 and 2002, when served ...
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