The Corner

Pawlenty: Bachmann Has ‘Pattern of Being Inaccurate And Off the Mark’

Speaking in Iowa today, Tim Pawlenty defended his record against some of the criticisms Michele Bachmann had made in two statements yesterday.

“There is a big difference between talking about things and getting them done. And so she and I have fought for many of the same issues, we have fought the same fights. But she hasn’t won. I have,” said Pawlenty, according to Politico.

Pawlenty, who said he “respect[ed]” Bachmann and noted that he had previously campaigned for her, pointed to his actions as governor, including cutting spending and appointing conservative judges, as proof of his ability to get things done.

“Her comments I think were consistent with her pattern of being inaccurate and off the mark,” Pawlenty said of Bachmann’s criticisms.

Katrina TrinkoKatrina Trinko is a political reporter for National Review. Trinko is also a member of USA TODAY’S Board of Contributors, and her work has been published in various media outlets ...
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