The Corner

Paul: Clinton Should Have Resigned Over Benghazi Failures

Dismissing whether his comments were a 2016 preview, Senator Rand Paul said that Hillary Clinton should have resigned as secretary of state following her failures to provide security to the Benghazi consulate prior to last year’s 9/11 attacks.

“Whether it has political overtones or not, it really goes to the heart of who you are as secretary of state if you do not provide security to an embassy that’s begging for it,” Paul said on State of the Union this morning. “That’s absolutely a dereliction of duty, and she should’ve resigned and accepted blame for it.”

Earlier this month, Paul told an audience in Iowa that her handling of the attacks ”precludes Hillary Clinton from ever holding office.” “I think her mistakes were of such significance that she should never again be in that position, to make those decisions,” he said.

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