The Corner

Palin Wars

The Politico has a very gossipy piece today on the fights between the McCain and Palin camps over Todd Purdum’s Palin piece in Vanity Fair. Apparently, Bill Kristol and Randy Scheuenemann are blaming Steve Schmidt for many of the anti-Palin stories, including suggestions that the governor was mentally unstable. Schmidt, for his part, denies this, but says he did have a hand in initiating a search of outgoing e-mails from the campaign that led to Schuenemann’s reported dismissal. Schuenemann, however, denies being dismissed. Got all that? Kristol and Purdum also go tête à tête in the Politico article, which is more interesting than the Vanity Fair piece that launched it.    

Tevi Troy is a presidential historian and former senior White House aide. He is the author of five books on the presidency, including the forthcoming The Power and the Money: Epic Clashes Between Commanders in Chief and Titans of Industry.
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