The Corner

Palin, Friend to the “Frozen Chosen”

Jews always want to know what a politician’s history with us and our issues has been. That is, of course, reasonable, all things considered. Since Alaska has about 6,000 Jews, max, it is not clear that Sarah Palin would have much of a record on that score. But it turns out that Governor Palin has gone out of her way to explicitly build strong, friendly relations with the Jewish community in her state.

In this article the local Lubavitcher rabbi (Orthodox) in Anchorage discusses his relationship with Palin, and has extensive praise for her actions, personal and public, including her ability to balance motherhood and governing – though he specifies that he is not making an endorsement.

This picture is worth a thousand words: Naturally the Governor of Alaska has the flags of the U.S. and her state in her office. Look over at the windowsill on the right in the picture. Why would she have the flag of Israel, a place she has never visited, in her office, unless she was a supporter of a close U.S./Israel  relationship — as so many Evangelical Christians are?  Bonus question: Does Barack Obama have an Israeli flag in his office?

Finally, this is a feature story about the Jews of Alaska in general. There is nothing political in it. It does, however, mention that when Reform Temple Beth Shalom of Anchorage installed a new Rabbi, Governor Palin stopped by to welcome him and wish him well. The rabbi, who had come from California, was not used to such an official reception. In addition to negating fears of anti-semitism, Palin’s behavior highlights her political skill. She could have been moose-hunting…

The Obama campaign is resorting to cries of anti-Semitism because there is such serious doubt about Barack Hussein Obama’s own affinities regarding Israelis and Palestinians. Not a good way to go…

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