The Corner

Palin Boosts Ayotte

With robocalls:

Former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin is lending her voice to Republican Kelly Ayotte’s U.S. Senate campaign in New Hampshire.

The former Alaska governor endorsed Ayotte in July, and Ayotte’s campaign says Palin praises the candidate in recently recorded telephone messages, e-mails and on YouTube as “the true conservative.”

A former New Hampshire attorney general, Ayotte leads in the preprimary polls and hopes to persuade voters that she is the strongest social conservative in the race.

According Public Policy Polling’s latest survey, Ayotte remains the frontrunner:

Kelly Ayotte’s had a quite a dramatic fall from PPP’s last poll of the New Hampshire Republican primary for Senate, when she led Ovide Lamontagne by 39 points. But Lamontagne may have run out of time to catch up. Ayotte leads with 37% to 30% for Lamontagne, 13% for Bill Binnie, and 12% for Jim Bender.

Ovide Lamontagne, for his part, was endorsed by Sen. Jim DeMint (R., S.C.) over the weekend.

Robert Costa was formerly the Washington editor for National Review.
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