The Corner


‘Our Righteous Fight for Freedom!’: Teachers’ Union President Goes Full Dwight Schrute in Unhinged Speech

Left: Dwight Schrute, played by Rainn Wilson, gives an acceptance speech in an episode of The Office. Right: Becky Pringle, the president of the NEA, delivers a speech at the organization’s annual representative assembly. (The Office/Screenshot via YouTube; National Education Association/Screenshot via YouTube)

When teachers’ unions used their considerable political heft to keep schools shuttered during the pandemic — or when they turned early childhood education into a testing ground for their ideological pet projects — Americans across the country wondered: “Who do these people think they are?”

We don’t have to wonder anymore.

At least not in the case of Becky Pringle, the president of the National Education Association, the country’s largest teachers’ union.

Pringle believes she’s a revolutionary; that is the only conclusion to be drawn from the truly unhinged speech she delivered at the organization’s annual representative assembly earlier this month.

Channeling Dwight Schrute, Pringle urges her colleagues on, not to raise the nation’s embarrassing reading and math scores, no, but to “fight for freedom.”

It has to be seen to be believed:

Dwight’s acceptance speech at the annual paper salesmen’s conference looks measured and on-topic by comparison:

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