The Corner

Our Moderate Friend Abbas, Part — I’ve Lost Count

Secretary of State Rice’s favorite Palestinian “moderate,” PA president Mahmoud Abbas, made time last week to meet in Lebanon with Samir Kuntar, the terrorist recently freed by Israel in a swap with Hezbollah for the remains of Israeli soldiers.  The International Herald Tribune delicately mentions that Kuntar killed three people in “a grisly attack” in 1979.  I posted about that attack around the time of Kuntar’s release — how Kuntar made sure to make a 4-year-old girl watch her father being killed right before he murdered her by crushing her skull. 

Why anyone should be surprised that Abbas would want to exchange ideas with such a person is baffling.  PA television, controlled by Abbas’s government, has repeatedly lauded Kuntar as a “hero” and a “brave warrior,” and glorified his savagery for years while agitating for his release.

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