The Corner

In Other News: McCaskill Gives WaPo ‘Wayyy TMI’

If Michael Scott didn’t kill “TMI,” Sen. Claire McCaskill (D., Mo.) surely did.

In a hard-hitting investigation of whether the Eastern Promises-style shower showdown between Rahm Emanuel and former congressman Eric Massa is the norm in Congress, the Washington Post asked Senator McCaskill if she had ever negotiated with nothing on but the radio:

Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) said she works out in the Senate gym, sometimes talking shop on the elliptical, “but obviously not as often as I should.” But McCaskill wouldn’t offer details about what happens inside the women’s locker room.

“This is wayyyy TMI,” she said, laughing. “I’m not going to discuss my showering habits. I’ll leave that to Rahm Emanuel and Eric Massa.”

To be fair, Congress’s locker-room DADT policy seems to enjoy broad bipartisan support.

Added Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.): “It’s protocol never to talk about what you talk about there.”

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