The Corner

Operation Specter-No

Today’s action item: Contact Mike DeWine. Mike DeWine, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, who is up for reelection in 2006, is in a perfect position to be a leader on this, as NRO says today in an editorial. Encourage him to step up and oppose Specter as chairman.

Call his office in Washington, D.C., at (202) 224-2315. Or call his main district office in Columbus, Ohio, at (614) 469-5186. Or send him an e-mail, here.

And while you are at it: Many of you contacted your Republican senators and GOP members of the Judiciary committee last week. If you haven’t, go for. And don’t forget to let the White House know this election isn’t over until Arlen Specter is refused the Judiciary chairmanship.

Today will be a big day in the Senate–if the phones are ringing off the hook again, they know this didn’t die with the weekend. So, keep on at it…

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