The Corner

Open-Minded NPR Listeners

From a listener yesterday (he signs off noting that he’s an MD and MBA, btw):

Dear Mr. Goldberg,

I heard you on NPR last evening as part of a discussion on the run-up to the Iraq so-called ‘war’. I must say that I was embarrassed that a man of your intelligence, and probably a Jew given your name, could be so out of touch with the truth. Do you not know what a lie is? Mr. Bush and his cronies obviously lied to get us into this war, have continued to lie, and will continue to lie until they’re out of office. There is no disputing this, for any reason. They did it for Middle East oil. As is usual in a resource war. Now you may compromise your morals because of Israel, but you do the Israelis no good by standing up for evil men. These men have blood on their hands and their souls, and you do too, by standing up for them. So please reconsider why you do what you do, and become a voice for truth. Don’t make excuses for these bozos.

End of story. There is no gray here. Thousands have died for oil.

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