The Corner

Open Government

The stink surrounding the Pelosi-Waxman-Markey cap-and-tax bill has become vomit-inducing overnight. Representative Waxman has decided to replace the 1091-page bill with a 300-page bill that will be debated for no longer than three hours today. So your elected representatives will have virtually no time to debate the merits of an economy-spanning bill they will not have had time to read. Speaker Pelosi and her sidekick Waxman are displaying nothing more than complete contempt for the democratic process.

If you’re as utterly disgusted by this as I am, you can send a message to Pelosi and her cronies by telling your Congressmen to vote against this bill.  You can e-mail them, call them (202-225-3121), or text the National Taxpayers Union on 54608 and they will help.

And would anyone like to help push the Constitutional Amendment I suggested around the time of the stimulus?

UPDATE: The e-mail link is now correct.

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