The Corner

One More Ninth Circuit E-Mail


I read through the appalling Ninth Circuit decision you just posted. Three comments:

1) I have to agree with all the courts that have looked at this that there is no basis for a lawsuit. Unlike the lower courts, it was not enough just to say so. Justice Reinhardt, in all his egotistical majesty, had to summon up a new constitutional theory, namely that parents have no rights once they allow their children to set foot in the door of a public school.

2) You have the obligation to pay school taxes. If you don’t like what your local schools teach, the Ninth Circuit says your only remedy is to pay again to send your kids to private school. Some right! Doesn’t this ruling hit women and minorities the hardest?

3) Bonus question – how would the court’s decision have differed if the last question asked of the participating kids was “Do you accept Jesus Christ as your savior?”.

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