The Corner

National Security & Defense

On Iran Funding Pro-Hamas Protesters

Jimmy has already posted on the incredible statement from Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines that Iran is encouraging and financing the wave of pro-Hamas protests in the United States.

To refresh, Haines warned:

In recent weeks, Iranian government actors have sought to opportunistically take advantage of ongoing protests regarding the war in Gaza, using a playbook we’ve seen other actors use over the years. We have observed actors tied to Iran’s government posing as activists online, seeking to encourage protests, and even providing financial support to protesters.

Haines stipulates, “I want to be clear that I know Americans who participate in protests are, in good faith, expressing their views on the conflict in Gaza.” 

But even given the hedging, just the fact that the Biden administration — which has gone out of its way to cover for Iran’s malign influence — is releasing this statement, suggests that the evidence of Iranian involvement in the pro-Hamas demonstrations must be overwhelming. 

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