The Corner

The Olber-maniac Strikes Again

In his extra-special comment last night, Keith Olbermann all but ignored the passage of Obamacare — perhaps wisely, since one of Olby’s most batty bouts of scenery-chewing nonsense ever was on the topic of killing the bill, just a few short months ago. (“Pass this at your peril, senators, and sign at yours, Mr. President!”)

Instead, Olbermann focused on perhaps his great bête noire of the post-Bush era — those vile tea-partiers, who Olbermann would have you believe are at once marginal and omnipresent, inept and diabolical, fringe lunatics who are wholly-owned creatures of the Republican party.

Some highlights from the screed:

It turns out that the tea-party movement, despite occasional detours into the causes of small government and public accountability, is motivated (almost) entirely by bigotry:

If racism is not the whole of the Tea Party, it is in its heart, along with blind hatred, a total disinterest in the welfare of others, and a full-flowered, self-rationalizing refusal to accept the outcomes of elections, or the reality of Democracy, or of the narrowness of their minds and the equal narrowness of their public support.

Worse, this group of klansmen have been stirred to frenzy by the armature of the Republican party (Olbermann doesn’t specify whether he means the RNC itself or, perhaps, some shadow organization or cabal therein)

People, these few, sad, people, have begun to act crazy, because it has been the dedicated purpose, the sole method and sole function, of the Republican party, to entice them to act crazy.

Though he is too odious for Olbermann to mention by name, special scorn is reserved for House Minority Leader John Boehner, who is charged with slaughtering the parliamentary niceties put in place by . . . Reconstruction? Boehner has

broken all the rules of decorum in place in this nation since the end of the Civil War, [and] despite having played every trick — mean and low, despite having the limitless financial backing of one of the biggest cartels in the world, he and his cronies and the manufactured outrage of the Tea Party failed to derail Health Care Reform.

Again, I’m not sure to which cartel Olbermann here refers. It could be the Masonry, but then, it could be Illuminati (especially since the party’s relations with that group have somewhat improved since the death of Myrtron the Fifth.) But I digress from Olbermann’s digression.

Next, Olbermann sets the land-speed record for mixing metaphors, in service of (yet another) pronouncement of the imminent death of the GOP:

American political parties have disappeared before. They are never forced out by their rivals. They die by their own hands, because they did not know that the hatred or the myopia or the monomania they thought was still okay wasn’t okay, any more. And so I offer this olive branch to the defeated Republicans and Tea Partiers.

It is a cold olive branch, and scarred, and there aren’t many olives on it, but it still counts.You are rapidly moving from “The Party of No,” past “The Party Of No Conscience,” towards “The Party of No Relevancy.” You are behind the wheel of a political Toyota. And before the mid-terms, you will have been reduced to only being this generation’s home for the nuts.

Forsooth, Republicans! Olbermann warns that you will become the “Faubus, and the MacNamara Brothers, and Bull Connor, and Lindbergh, and Joe McCarthy” of this century!

Let’s see. Faubus — Democrat. MacNamara Brothers — trade-unionist terrorists. Connor — Democrat. Charles Lindbergh — anti-semitic, quasi-fascist, proto-environmentalist. Joe McCarthy — gasp! — Republican!

My God, Olbermann is right! These tea-partiers will destroy the Republican party just as those others destroyed the Democratic party, and organized labor, and the environmental movement, and the Republican party!

I’d say Countdown is for kids, but I’m pretty sure Cartoon Network does better ratings in the time slot.

Watch the whole . . . thing, here:

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