The Corner

Ohio Making Assisted Suicide a Felony

The media is so in the tank for legalizing assisted suicide that casual observers might think the political current favoring legalization is so strong it can no longer be resisted.

I have been hearing that meme since 1994, when Oregon passed Measure 16. In the intervening 22 years, hundreds of state legislative efforts to legalize doctor-prescribed death have failed and voters rejected as many legalization schemes as they passed (by my count, 3-3).

Now, Ohio is pushing back hard by criminalizing assisted suicide. From the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition briefing:

Ohio has become the Fifth State in the past few years to strengthen protections in law from assisted suicide.

The Ohio Senate voted on House Bill 470, a bill that would make assisting a suicide a felony in Ohio on Thursday December 8. HB 470 had previously passed in the Ohio House last May by a vote of 92 – 5.

The Senate vote was unanimous, by the way.

So, while assisted suicide advocacy is certainly energized, there is also a significant, robust, and often successful pushback movement that media barely mention.

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