The Corner

Oh, No Bias Here!

Chris and Olber Man cut to Romney’s Nevada acceptance (from Jacksonville, Fla.):

So, the lovely Mrs. Romney takes the microphone from her husband after he tells a charming story now familiar to many. As told, Romney says to his childhood sweetheart, more or less: “Honey, in your wildest dreams, did you ever imagine I would someday be running for President?

Says she: “Honey, you weren’t in my wildest dreams.”

Very sweet. Then from the wings comes Olber Man’s voice in a coliseum whisper:

“To do what?”

Say again? Okay, so maybe Keith was responding to Lola Lovita, who had just asked him to join her by the Dumpster. I mean, I dunno. But just a few moments earlier, Olber Man had taken time out of his busy schedule to note that Romney had just rolled up his sleeves to convey his hard-working-guyness. I’m sure the man who nightly selects the worst person in the world didn’t mean nuthin’ by it.

I report. You decide.

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