The Corner

Oh, Grow Up

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R.–Nanny State) believes that those of us who have these silly notions about free speech and limited government power should just “go up” when it comes to so-called “hate crimes” laws.

“”People have got to grow up and realize that that’s an important issue to many, many people in our society and nobody should be discriminated against,” Hatch said, demonstrating yet again the intellectual vacuity that makes him an embarrassment to the GOP.

The fundamental principle behind hate crime laws is repugnant: the criminalization of ideas. If I hit you on the head because I want your money, I get punished for my actions. But if I hit you on the head because I “don’t like your kind,” I get punished for my ideas. What could be a more dangerous expansion of government power?

Sen. Hatch’s statement that “nobody should be discriminated against” is not just hopelessly naive (ask any fat/ugly/dull-witted/and/or person with a thick southern accent) but its’ a slipperly slope. Nobody should be treated rudely, either. Nor should they ever be offended, or frightened by an aggressive driver who insists they stop driving 45 m.p.h. in the left-hand lane and demonstrates it with non-verbal communication.

If Sen. Hatch really believes it’s the government’s duty to force all Americans to be nice, we might as well chunk the Constitution right now.

Michael GrahamMichael Graham was born in Los Angeles and raised in South Carolina. A graduate of Oral Roberts University, he worked as a stand-up comedian before beginning his political career as ...
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