The Corner


Official 2024 General-Election Debate Drinking Game

Way back in August (man, what a different world that was), we gave you our best crack at a primary-debate drinking game. We’re back tonight for the first debate of the 2024 general-election campaign. Fair warning: We’ve been drunk since August.

Drink, if . . .

  • The first thing Donald Trump says violates Judge Merchan’s gag order.
  • Joe Biden starts talking to an imaginary audience.
  • Trump holds a pre-debate press conference with all the children whose hair Biden has sniffed.
  • Biden challenges Trump to a push-up contest.
  • Either candidate tries to talk with his microphone turned off in true Boomer-on-Zoom fashion.
  • Biden molts his exoskeleton.
  • Trump suggests buying Iceland this time around.
  • Biden accidentally calls Trump “Bob Dole.”
  • Either participant has trouble drinking his water (you drink for them).
  • Biden’s nose starts bleeding.
  • CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale calls out a Biden falsehood.
  • Every five minutes, you remember that these are the choices our political parties presented us.

Good luck to our readers, and good luck to America. Cheers.

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